Bhutan Culture

The mighty Himalayas in the north and malaria infested rain forests in the south have isolated Bhutan from the International world for all time till the 1960s. Even though Bhutanese culture has resemblances to the Tibetan Culture yet the language is distinct and so are the customs and apparel of the Bhutanese people. 

Religion and the Monarchy are the root of Bhutanese culture, the people have high reverence and faith in the Tshawa Sum(The King, country and people). Huge Fortresses called Dzongs serve as the seat of the government and religious monk body in almost all Dzongkhags. And on the twisting and turning roads of Bhutan you will surely see flags and Chortens(stupas) everywhere.

Then men wear the Gho and the women wear Kira as the national dress which are distinct in appearance and   varied in a range of color for both men and women. Men play archery as the national sport and women weave textiles of the highest quality. 


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